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  • Implicit Model Agnostic Meta-Learning

Implicit Model Agnostic Meta-Learning

Here we re-implement the model-agnostic meta-learning algorithm from Meta-Learning with Implicit Gradients, where we learn the initialization weight for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that allows quick adaptations to various tasks given only few samples (i.e. few-shot learning). In this post, we assume that the potential readers are already familiar with the algorithm, and therefore mainly focus on how to implement MAML with Betty. Also, we note that, while we focus on the implicit MAML instead of MAML in this blog post, the modification for MAML is highly straightforward just by replacing ImplicitProblem with IterativeProblem. Finally, the full version of our code can be found here.


MAML can be interpreted as a bilevel optimization problem, where the upper level learns the initiazliation weight that allows quick adaptation to new tasks and the lower level learns to adapt to the task given few training examples. Therefore, users need to define two Problem classes for both levels. Following Betty’s design principle, each level can be defined by providing:

  1. Module

  2. Optimizer

  3. Data loader (or data loading function)

  4. Loss function

  5. Problem configuration

  6. Name

  7. (Optional) learning rate scheduler, …

While data loading is decoupled in most other bi-level optimization problems, in MAML, it’s coupled as the adaptation result from the lower level should be the tested on the same task in the upper level. We will dive into this in this post.


As stated above, data loading is coupled for upper and lower levels in MAML. This requires the user to implement a unified data loading mechanism. Unfortunately, this is hard to achieve (or the code will get ugly) with the Betty’s Problem class design where users provide data loader separately for each Problem class through the class constructor. To enable the clean implementation for such cases (where data loading is entangled for multiple Problem``s), Betty provides the ``Env class where users can specify a unified data loading mechanism.

More specifically, we use learn2learn to load MAML dataset loading, and define the data loading mechanism in the step method. The code is shown below.

import learn2learn as l2l
from betty.envs import Env

tasksets = l2l.vision.benchmarks.get_tasksets(
    train_samples=2 * args.shots,
    test_samples=2 * args.shots,

def split_data(data, labels, shots, ways):
    out = {"train": None, "test": None}
    adapt_indices = np.zeros(data.size(0), dtype=bool)
    adapt_indices[np.arange(shots * ways) * 2] = True
    eval_indices = torch.from_numpy(~adapt_indices)
    adapt_indices = torch.from_numpy(adapt_indices)
    out["train"] = (data[adapt_indices], labels[adapt_indices])
    out["test"] = (data[eval_indices], labels[eval_indices])

    return out

class MAMLEnv(Env):
    def __init__(self):

        self.tasks = tasksets
        self.batch = {"train": None, "test": None}

    def step(self):
        data, labels = self.tasks.train.sample()
        data, labels = data.to(self.device), labels.to(self.device)
        out = split_data(data, labels, args.shots, args.ways)
        self.batch["train"] = out["train"]
        self.batch["test"] = out["test"]

env = MAMLEnv()


Betty allows users to define a custom data loading mechanism through get_batch method. Access to Env will be granted by Engine, and users can simply use self.env. Also, since the upper problem is updated only after the meta_batch_size amount of gradient accumulation, users need to specify this thorugh gradient_accumulation attribute in Config. The rest part (e.g., defining loss function, module, optimizer, etc.) is relatively straightforward, and we direct readers who are unfamiliar with this to our Tutorial.

class Upper(ImplicitProblem):
    def training_step(self, batch):
        inputs, labels = batch
        out = self.lower(inputs)
        loss = F.cross_entropy(out, labels)
        acc = 100.0 * (out.argmax(dim=1) == labels).float().mean().item()

        return {"loss": loss, "acc": acc}

    def get_batch(self):
        inputs, labels = self.env.batch["test"]

        return inputs, labels

parent_module = ConvNet(args.ways, args.hidden_size)
parent_optimizer = optim.AdamW(parent_module.parameters(), lr=3e-4)
parent_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(
    T_max=int(args.meta_batch_size * 7500),
parent_config = Config(
    log_step=int(args.inner_steps * args.meta_batch_size * 10),
parent = Upper(


As in the upper level, we also define the custom data loading mechanism through the get_batch method. In addition, we need to initialize the weight of inner CNNs to that of outer CNNs in the beginning of the inner loop. We offer such functionality via on_inner_loop_start method.

def reg_loss(parameters, reference_parameters, reg_lambda=0.25):
    loss = 0
    for p1, p2 in zip(parameters, reference_parameters):
        loss += torch.sum(torch.pow((p1 - p2), 2))

    return reg_lambda * loss

class Lower(ImplicitProblem):
    def training_step(self, batch):
        inputs, labels = batch
        out = self.module(inputs)
        loss = F.cross_entropy(out, labels)
        reg = reg_loss(self.parameters(), self.upper.parameters(), args.reg)

        return loss + reg

    def get_batch(self):
        inputs, labels = self.env.batch["train"]

        return inputs, labels

    def on_inner_loop_start(self):

child_module = model_cls(args.ways, args.hidden_size)
child_optimizer = optim.SGD(child_module.parameters(), lr=1e-1)
child_config = Config(type="darts", unroll_steps=args.inner_steps)
lower = Lower(


As illustruated in our Tutorial, the overall execution of MLO is handled by Engine. Since we handle data loading in Env’s step method, we have to (1) provide MAMLEnv to the Engine and (2) coordinate the execution order of env.step with other problem.step. For the first part, users can simply provide users’ custom Env via the Engine class constructor. Coordinating execution order of Env and Problem can be achieved in the train_step method in Engine. The below code shows how to do these.

class MAMLEngine(Engine):
    def train_step(self):
        if self.global_step % args.inner_steps == 1 or args.inner_steps == 1:
        for leaf in self.leaves:

    def validation(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "best_acc"):
            self.best_acc = -1
        test_net = ConvNet(args.ways, args.hidden_size).to(self.device)
        test_optim = optim.SGD(test_net.parameters(), lr=0.1)
        accs = []
        for i in range(500):
            inputs, labels = tasksets.test.sample()
            inputs, labels = inputs.to(self.device), labels.to(self.device)
            out = split_data(inputs, labels, args.shots, args.ways)
            train_inputs, train_labels = out["train"]
            test_inputs, test_labels = out["test"]
            for _ in range(args.inner_steps):
                out = test_net(train_inputs)
                loss = F.cross_entropy(out, train_labels)

            out = test_net(test_inputs)
            accs.append((out.argmax(dim=1) == test_labels).detach())

        acc = 100.0 * torch.cat(accs).float().mean().item()
        if acc > self.best_acc:
            self.best_acc = acc

        return {"acc": acc, "best_acc": self.best_acc}

u2l = {outer: [inner]}
l2u = {inner: [outer]}
dependencies = {"u2l": u2l, "l2u": l2u}
engine = MAMLEngine(
    config=engine_config, problems=problems, dependencies=dependencies, env=env

Finally, users can also define the validation mechanism via the validation method, and execute MAML training with engine.run().

Overall, throughout this tutorial, we tried to describe how to handle a unified/entangled data loading mechanism for multiple Problem classes via Env. Such use of Env can also be useful for implementing reinforcement learning related algorithms.