
Source code for betty.engine

# Copyright Sang Keun Choe
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import time

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist

from betty.configs import EngineConfig
from betty.logging import logger
from betty.misc.early_stopping import EarlyStopping
from betty.utils import log_from_loss_dict

[docs]class Engine: """ ``Engine`` handles a dataflow graph based on the user-provided hierarchical problem dependencies. It also provides a primitive for executing multilevel optimization. """ def __init__(self, problems, config=None, dependencies=None, env=None): # config self.config = config if config is not None else EngineConfig() # step counters self.train_iters = 0 self.valid_step = 0 self.global_step = 0 # logger self.logger_type = None self.logger = None # problem self.problems = problems self.leaves = [] # dependencies self.dependencies = dependencies # env self.env = env # distributed self._strategy = None self._backend = None self._world_size = 0 self._rank = 0 self._local_rank = 0 # early stopping self.early_stopping = None # roll back self._roll_back = False # device self.device = None # initialize self.initialize()
[docs] def parse_config(self): """ Parse EngineConfig. """ self.train_iters = self.config.train_iters self.valid_step = self.config.valid_step self.logger_type = self.config.logger_type self._roll_back = self.config.roll_back self._strategy = self.config.strategy self._backend = self.config.backend if self.config.early_stopping: self.early_stopping = EarlyStopping( metric=self.config.early_stopping_metric, mode=self.config.early_stopping_mode, tolerance=self.config.early_stopping_tolerance, )
[docs] def train_step(self): """ Running one-step gradient descent for all leaf problems. """ for leaf in self.leaves: leaf.step(global_step=self.global_step)
[docs] def run(self): """ Execute multilevel optimization by running gradient descent for leaf problems. """ self.train() for it in range(1, self.train_iters + 1): self.global_step += 1 self.train_step() if it % self.valid_step == 0 and self.do_validation(): self.eval() validation_stats = self.validation() or {} log_loss = log_from_loss_dict(validation_stats) f"[Validation] [Global Step {self.global_step}] " f"{log_loss}" ) self.logger.log( validation_stats, tag="validation", step=self.global_step ) self.train() # early stopping if self.early_stopping is not None: stop = self.early_stopping(validation_stats) if stop:"Early stopping is executed!") break
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize dependencies (computational graph) between problems. """ # Parse config self.parse_config() # initialize distributed training dist_dict = self.configure_systems() # initialize logger self.logger = logger(logger_type=self.logger_type) if self.is_rank_zero():"Initializing Multilevel Optimization...\n") start = time.time() # parse problem dependency self.parse_dependency() # set problem attributes for problem in self.problems: self.set_problem_attr(problem) # env initialization if self.env is not None: self.env.configure_distributed_training(dist_dict) self.env.configure_device(self.device) # problem initialization for problem in self.problems: problem.add_logger(self.logger) problem.configure_distributed_training(dist_dict) problem.configure_device(self.device) problem.configure_roll_back(self._roll_back) problem.initialize() if self.env is not None: problem.add_env(self.env) end = time.time() if self.is_rank_zero():"Time spent on initialization: {end-start:.3f} (s)\n")
[docs] def configure_systems(self): """ Configure basic systems set-up like distributed training and device placement. """ # configure distributed training if self._strategy in ["distributed", "zero", "fsdp"]: dist.init_process_group(backend=self._backend) self._world_size = dist.get_world_size() assert self._world_size > 1 self._rank = dist.get_rank() device_count = torch.cuda.device_count() self._local_rank = self._rank % device_count dist_dict = {} dist_dict["strategy"] = self._strategy dist_dict["backend"] = self._backend dist_dict["world_size"] = self._world_size dist_dict["rank"] = self._rank dist_dict["local_rank"] = self._local_rank # configure device for the current rank if self._strategy in ["distributed", "zero", "fsdp"]: torch.cuda.set_device(self._local_rank) self.device = torch.device("cuda", self._local_rank) elif self._strategy == "accelerate": self.device = self.accelerator.device elif self._strategy == "cpu": self.device = "cpu" elif self._strategy == "gpu": self.device = "cuda" else: self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" return dist_dict
[docs] def train(self): """ Set all problems in multilevel optimization to the train mode. """ for problem in self.problems: problem.train()
[docs] def eval(self): """ Set all problems in multilevel optimization to the eval mode. """ for problem in self.problems: problem.eval()
[docs] def check_leaf(self, problem): """ Check whether the given ``problem`` is a leaf problem or not. :param problem: Problem in multilevel optimization :type problem: Problem :return: True or False :rtype: bool """ for _, value_list in self.dependencies["l2u"].items(): if problem in set(value_list): return False return True
[docs] def find_paths(self, src, dst): """ Find all paths from ``src`` to ``dst`` with a modified depth-first search algorithm. :param src: The end point of the upper-to-lower edge. :type src: Problem :param dst: The start point of the upper-to-lower edge. :type dst: Problem :return: List of all paths from ``src`` to ``dst``. """ results = [] path = [src] self.dfs(src, dst, path, results) assert len(results) > 0, f"No path from {} to {}!" for i, _ in enumerate(results): results[i].reverse() results[i].append(dst) return results
def dfs(self, src, dst, path, results): if src is dst: assert len(path) > 1 result = [node for node in path] results.append(result) elif src not in self.dependencies["l2u"]: return else: for adj in self.dependencies["l2u"][src]: path.append(adj) self.dfs(adj, dst, path, results) path.pop()
[docs] def parse_dependency(self): """ Parse user-provided ``u2l`` and ``l2u`` dependencies to figure out 1) topological order for multilevel optimization execution, and 2) backpropagation path(s) for each problem. A modified depth-first search algorithm is used. """ # Parse upper-to-lower dependency for key, value_list in self.dependencies["u2l"].items(): for value in value_list: # find all paths from low to high for backpropagation paths = self.find_paths(src=value, dst=key) key.add_paths(paths) # Parse lower-to-upper dependency for key, value_list in self.dependencies["l2u"].items(): for value in value_list: # add value problem to parents of key problem for backpropgation key.add_parent(value) value.add_child(key) # Parse problems for problem in self.problems: if self.check_leaf(problem): problem.leaf = True self.leaves.append(problem)
[docs] def set_dependency(self, dependencies): self.dependencies = dependencies self.leaves = [] # clear existing dependencies for problem in self.problems: problem.leaf = False problem.clear_dependencies() self.parse_dependency()
[docs] def set_problem_attr(self, problem): """ Set class attribute for the given ``problem`` based on their names :param problem: Problem in multilevel optimization :type problem: Problem :return: ``problem`` name :rtype: str """ name = # set attribute for Engine assert not hasattr(self, name), f"Problem already has a problelm named {name}!" setattr(self, name, problem) # set attribute for Problems for prob in self.problems: if prob != problem: assert not hasattr(problem, name) setattr(prob, name, problem) # set attribute for Env if self.env is not None: setattr(self.env, name, problem) return name
[docs] def do_validation(self): """ Check whether to run validation. """ if self.is_implemented("validation") and self.is_rank_zero(): return True return False
[docs] def is_rank_zero(self): """ Check whether the current process is rank 0 """ return self._rank == 0
[docs] def is_implemented(self, fn_name): """ Check whether ``fn_name`` method is implemented in the class. :param fn_name: class method name :type fn_name: str :rtype: bool """ return callable(getattr(self, fn_name, None))