
Distributed Training

Despite the popularity of meta-learning, research in meta-learning has largely been limited to small-scale setups due to the memory and computation bottlenecks. In detail, meta-learning oftentimes requires second-order gradient information (i.e., Hessian) and/or multiple forward/backward computations.

Distributed training emerges as a natural solution to mitigate above issues. To keep up with the recent trend of large foundation models, Betty supports various distributed training strategies for meta-learning such as distributed data parallel (DDP) and ZeRO redundancy optimizer (ZeRO). Most importantly, users can enable these featuers with (1) one-liner change in EngineConfig, and (2) launch distributed training PyTorch’s native elastic launcher like torchrun.


In Betty, we provide mulitple distributed training strategies. In v0.2.0, Betty stably supports:

  • Distributed Data Parallel (DDP).

  • Zero Redundancy Optimizer (ZeRO).

and also experimentally supports:

  • Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP).

To enable above features, users can simply need to set strategy attribute in EngineConfig to user’s preferred distributed training strategy as follows.

engine_config = EngineConfig(strategy="distributed", train_iters=3000, ...)

# ZeRO
engine_config = EngineConfig(strategy="zero", train_iters=3000, ...)

# FSDP (experimental)
engine_config = EngineConfig(strategy="fsdp", train_iters=3000, ...)


Once the strategy is configured in EngineConfig, users can launch distributed training as a normal PyTorch distributed training job via their native (elastic) launcher. Depending on user’s PyTorch version, some launchers may not be supported. Here, we provide examples of using PyTorch’s distributed launchers. More detailed instructions can be found in PyTorch’s official Tutorial.

  • PyTorch version \(\geq 1.10\)

# simple

# detailed
torchrun --rdzv_backend=c10d --rdzv_endpoint=MASTER_ADDR --nproc_per_node=NUM_GPUS --nnodes=NUM_NODES
  • PyTorch version \(< 1.10\)

# simple
python -m torch.distributed.launch --use_env

# detailed
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=NUM_GPUS --nnodes=NUM_NODES --node_rank=NODE --master_addr=MASTER_ADDR --master_port=MASTER_PORT

Note that torch.distributed.launch requires users to include --local_rank in argparse as below:

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()

local_rank = args.local_rank

Behind the scene, Betty takes care of patching (1) module, (2) optimizer, (3) data loader, (4) lr scheduler, (5) loss scaler (for mixed-precision training) automatically for users.