

For researchers studying novel hypergradient calculation methods, we allow a modular interface to implement custom algorithms without changing other parts of the MLO program. Specifically, users can create a new python file under the betty/hypergradient directory where they should implement their own algorithm, and add a new algorithm to betty/hypergradient/ so that the Problem class can import and use it.

Recall that automatic differentiation for MLO is achieved by iteratively performing matrix-vector multiplication with the best-response Jacobian (See Autodiff for Multilevel Optimization):

\[\begin{split}\begin{flalign} &&\text{Calculate}\,:\quad&\frac{\partial w^*(\lambda)}{\partial \lambda}\times v\\[2ex] &&\text{Given}\,:\quad&w^*(\lambda) = \underset{w}{\mathrm{argmin}}\;\mathcal{C}(w, \lambda) \end{flalign}\end{split}\]

In the python file, users should implement the above “Calculate” operation, given \(\lambda, w,\text{ and } v\).

# betty/hypergradient/
def myhypergrad(vector, curr, prev):
    vector: corresponds to v
    curr: corresponds to the lower-level problem whose parameter is w
    prev: corresponds to the upper-level problem whose parameter is \lambda
    return matrix_vector_multiplication_with_best_response_Jacobian

Once users implement their own algorithm, in betty/hypergradient/, they can add their algorithm as follows:

from .new_hypergrad import myhypergrad

jvp_fn_mapping = {"darts": darts, "neumann": neumann, "cg": cg, "reinforce": reinforce}
jvp_fn_mapping["myhypergrad_name"] = myhypergrad