
Multilevel Optimization

To introduce multilevel optimization, we first define an important concept known as a constrained problem.

Definition 1. An optimization problem \(P\) is said to be constrained by \(\lambda\) when its cost function \(\mathcal{C}\) has \(\lambda\) as an argument in addition to the optimization parameter \(\theta\) — i.e. \(P:\arg\min_{\theta}\mathcal{C}(\theta, \lambda,\cdots)\).

Multilevel optimization (MLO) refers to a field of study that aims to solve a nested set of optimization problems defined on a sequence of so-called levels, which satisfy two main criteria: (A1) upper-level problems are constrained by the optimal parameters of lower-level problems while (A2) lower-level problems are constrained by the nonoptimal parameters of upper-level problems. Formally, an n-level MLO program can be written as:

\[\begin{split}\begin{flalign*} P_n:\quad&& &\theta_n^* = \underset{\theta_n}{\mathrm{argmin}}\;\mathcal{C}_n(\theta_n, \mathcal{U}_n, \mathcal{L}_n; \mathcal{D}_n)&&\quad\quad\;\text{ $\rhd$ Level $n$}\\ && &\hspace{8mm}\ddots &&\\ P_k:\quad&& & \hspace{9mm}\text{s.t.} \hspace{2mm} \theta_k^* = \underset{\theta_k}{\mathrm{argmin}}\; \mathcal{C}_k(\theta_k, \mathcal{U}_k, \mathcal{L}_k; \mathcal{D}_k)&&\quad\quad\;\text{ $\rhd$ Level $k \in \{2, \ldots, n-1\}$}\\ && &\hspace{23mm}\ddots &&\\ P_1:\quad&& &\hspace{24mm}\text{s.t.}\hspace{2mm}\theta_1^* = \underset{\theta_1}{\mathrm{argmin}}\; \mathcal{C}_1(\theta_1, \mathcal{U}_1, \mathcal{L}_1; \mathcal{D}_k)&&\quad\quad\;\text{ $\rhd$ Level $1$} \end{flalign*}\end{split}\]

where \(P_k\) stands for the level k problem, \(\theta_k\,/\,\theta_k^*\) for corresponding nonoptimal / optimal parameters, and \(\mathcal{U}_k\,/\,\mathcal{L}_k\) for the sets of constraining parameters from upper / lower level problems. Here, \(\mathcal{D}_k\) is the training dataset, and \(\mathcal{C}_k\) indicates the cost function. Due to criteria (A1) & (A2), the constraining parameters from upper-level problems should be nonoptimal (i.e. \(\mathcal{U}_k \subseteq \{\theta_{k+1}, \cdots, \theta_n\}\)) while the constraining parameters from lower-level problems should be optimal (i.e. \(\mathcal{L}_k \subseteq \{\theta_{1}^*, \cdots, \theta_{k-1}^*\}\)).

Although we denote only one optimization problem per level in the above formulation, each level could in fact have multiple problems. Therefore, we henceforth discard the concept of level, and rather assume that problems \(\{P_1, P_2, \cdots, P_n\}\) of a general MLO program are topologically sorted in a reverse order (i.e. \(P_n\) / \(P_1\) denote uppermost / lowermost problems).

Application Examples

Multilevel optimization has found a wide range of applications in machine learning, including, but not limited to, meta learning [Finn et al. (MAML)], hyperparameter optimization (HPO) [Franceschi et al., Lorraine et al.], neural architecture search (NAS) [Liu et al. (DARTS)], and reinforcement learning (RL) [Konda et al. (Actor-Critic)]. In particular, each of these problems can be formulated as bilevel optimization, the simplest case of multilevel optimization with a two-level hierarchy. To better understand the concept of multilevel optimization, we illustrate how each of these problems can be formulated under the above mathematical notation and framework.

Level 2 (Upper)

Level 1 (Lower)











Meta Learning







task-specific weight











LSTM weights











CNN weights




While a majority of existing work is built upon bilevel optimization, there have been recent efforts that go beyond this two-level hierarchy. For example, [Raghu et al.] proposed trilevel optimization that combines hyperparameter optimization with two-level pretraining and finetuning. More generally, conducting joint optimization over machine learning pipelines consisting of multiple models and hyperparameter sets can be approached as deeper instances of MLO [Such et al., Garg et al.].