
Software Design

Betty allows for an easy-to-use, modular, and maintainable programming interface for multilevel optimization (MLO) by breaking down MLO into two high-level concepts — (1) optimization problems, and (2) problem dependencies — for which we design two abstract Python classes:

  • Problem class: an abstraction of optimization problems.

  • Engine class: an abstraction of problem dependencies.

In this chapter, we will introduce each of these concepts/classes in depth.


Under our abstraction, each optimization problem \(P\) in MLO is defined by the (1) module, (2) the optimizer, (3) the data loader, (4) the sets of the upper and lower constraining problems, (5) the loss function, (6) the problem (or optimization) configuration, (7) the name, and (8) other optional components. The example usage of the Problem class is shown below:

""" Setup of module, optimizer, and data loader """
my_module, my_optimizer, my_data_loader = problem_setup()

class MyProblem(ImplicitProblem):
    def training_step(self, batch):
        """ Users define the loss function here """
        loss = loss_fn(batch, self.module, self.other_probs, ...)
        acc = get_accuracy(batch, self.module, ...)
        return {'loss': loss, 'acc': acc}

""" Optimization Configuration """
config = Config(type="darts", steps=5, first_order=True, retain_graph=True)

""" Problem Instantiation """
prob = MyProblem(

To better understand the Problem class, we take a deeper dive into each component.

(0) Problem type

Automatic differentiation for multilevel optimization can be roughly categorized into two types: iterative differentiation (ITD) and implicit differentiation (AID). While AID allows users to use native PyTorch modules and optimizers, ITD requires patching both modules and optimizers to follow a functional programming paradigm. Due to this difference, we provide separate classes IterativeProblem and ImplicitProblem respecitvely for ITD and AID. Empirically, we observe that AID often achieves better memory efficiency, training wall time, and final accuracy. Thus, we highly recommend using the ImplicitProblem class as a default setting.

(1) Module

The module defines the parameters to be learned in the current optimization problem, and corresponds to \(\theta_k\) in our mathematical formulation (Chapter). In practice, the module is usually defined using PyTorch’s torch.nn.Module, and is passed to the Problem class through the constructor.

(2) Optimizer

The optimizer updates parameters for the above module. In practice, the optimizer is most commonly defined using PyTorch’s torch.optim.Optimizer, and is also passed to the Problem class through the constructor.

(3) Data loader

The data loader defines the associated training data, denoted \(\mathcal{D}_k\) in our mathematical formulation. It is normally defined using PyTorch’s, but it can be any Python Iterator. The data loader can also be provided through the class constructor.

(4) Upper & Lower Constraining Problem Sets

While the upper & lower constraining problem sets \(\mathcal{U}_k\;\&\;\mathcal{L}_k\) are at the core of our mathematical formulation, we don’t allow users to directly specifiy them in the Problem class. Rather, we design Betty so that the constraining sets are provided directly from Engine, the class where all problem dependencies are handled. In doing so, users need to provide the hierarchical problem dependencies only once when they initialize Engine, and can avoid the potentially error-prone and cumbersome process of provisioning constraining problems manually every time they define new problems.

(5) Loss function

The loss function defines the optimization objective \(\mathcal{C}_k\) in our formulation. Unlike previous components, the loss function is defined through the training_step method as shown above. In addition, the training_step method provides an option to define other metrics (e.g. accuracy in image classification), which can be returned with the Python dictionary. When the return type is not a Python dictionary, the API will assume that the returned value is the loss by default. Furthermore, the returned dictionary/value of training_step will be automatically logged with our logger to a visualization tool (e.g. tensorboard) as well as the standard output stream (i.e. print in the terminal). Our training_step method is highly inspired by PyTorch Lightning’s training_step method.

(6) Optimization Configuration

Unlike automatic differentiation in neural networks, autodiff in MLO requires approximating gradients with, for example, implicit differentiation. Since there can be different approximation methods and configurations, we allow users to specify all choices through the Config data class. In addition, Config allows users to specify other training details such as gradient accumulation steps, logging steps, and fp16 training options. We provide the default value for each attribute in Config, so, in most cases, users will only need to specify 3-4 attributes based on their needs.

(7) Name

Users oftentimes need to access constraining problems \(\mathcal{U}_k\;\&\;\mathcal{L}_k\) when defining the loss function in training_step. However, since constraining problems are directly provided by the Engine class, users lack the way to access constraining problems from the current problem. Thus, we design the name attribute, through which users can access other problems in the Problem and the Engine classes. For example, when your MLO involves Problem1(name='prob1', ...) and Problem2(name='prob2', ...), you can access Problem2 from Problem1 with self.prob2.

(8) Other Optional Components

While not considered essential components, learning rate schedulers or parameter callbacks (e.g. parameter clipping/clamping) can optionally be provided by users as well. Interested users can refer to the API documentation for these features.


While Problem manages each optimization problem, Engine handles a dataflow graph based on the user-provided hierarchical problem dependencies. An example usage of the Engine class is provided below:

class MyEngine(Engine):
    def validation(self):
        val_loss = loss_fn(self.prob1, self.prob2, test_loader)
        val_acc = acc_fn(self.prob1, self.prob2, test_loader)

        return {'loss': val_loss, 'acc': val_acc}

p1 = Problem1(name='prob1', ...)
p2 = Problem2(name='prob2', ...)
dependencies = {"u2l": {p1: [p2]}, "l2u": {p1: [p2]}}
engine_config = EngineConfig(train_iters=5000, valid_step=100)
engine = MyEngine(problems=[p1, p2], dependencies=dependencies, config=engine_config)

Here, we take a deeper look into each component of Engine.

(1) Problems

Users should provide all of the involved optimization problems through the problems argument.

(2) Dependencies

As discussed in this section, MLO has two types of dependencies between problems: upper-to-lower and lower-to-upper. We allow users to define two separate graphs, one for each type of edge, using a Python dictionary, in which keys/values respectively represent start/end nodes of the edge. When user-defined dependency graphs are provided, Engine compiles them and finds all paths required for automatic differentiation with a modified depth-first search algorithm. Moreover, Engine determines constraining problem sets for each problem based on the dependency graphs, as mentioned above.

(3) Validation

We currently allow users to define one validation stage for the whole multilevel optimization program. This can be achieved by implementing the validation method in Engine as shown above. As in the training_step method of the Problem class, users can return whichever metrics they want to log with the Python dictionary.

(4) Engine Configuration

Users can specify several configurations for the whole multilevel optimization program, such as the total training iterations, the validation step, and the logger type.

(5) Run

Once all initialization steps are complete, users can run the MLO program by calling the Engine’s run method, which repeatedly calls step methods of lowermost problems. The step methods of upper-level problems will be automatically called from the step methods of lower-level problems following lower-to-upper edges.

To summarize, Betty provides a PyTorch-like programming interface for defining multiple optimization problems, which can scale up to large MLO programs with complex dependencies, as well as a modular interface for a variety of best-response Jacobian algorithms, without requiring mathematical and programming proficiency.